The hunt for RED October

So I’ve come up with a silly little idea, well it’s not that silly I’m just going to challenge myself to ride every day in October. I’m going to RideEveryDay (RED) October.

Just a bit of fun. Thing is though….. I’ve not managed it before. The last time I tried was January, I got 15 days in and got an awful stinker of a cold. Rendering me useless on the bike. I also tried a running challenge called Marcothon before, this is where you run at least 5k or 30 mins each day in December, but after 13 days my shin splints were so bad I couldn’t even stand up!

This attempt hasn’t started too well either….. I’ve caught a cold from my daughter. Oh well if I keep the efforts minimal (20 mins on Zwift last night) I should get through it. I’m not putting any pressure on myself to complete any hard efforts or have any results, all bar keeping it going…….

I’ll let you know how it goes!


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